Leadership and entrepreneurship

The Pandemic Wave’s Legal Effects on Entrepreneurship in Romania. A Compilation from Midway through the Global Health Crisis (II)

The Pandemic Wave’s Legal Effects on Entrepreneurship in Romania. A Compilation from Midway through the Global Health Crisis (II)

Claudia-Florina Botar

Pages: 1-12

Published online: 28 Jun 2024

DOI: dx.doi.org/10.37945/cbr.2024.05.01

Statistics: views 20 / PDF DL 18 / PDF views 8

Abstract | PDF (299.60 KB)

Business strategy, risk and corporate governance

The Impact of Leadership Structure Characteristics on Performance Indicators within the Technology Sector of S&P 500 Component Companies

The Impact of Leadership Structure Characteristics on Performance Indicators within the Technology Sector of S&P 500 Component Companies

Ana-Gabriela Rusu

Pages: 13-21

Published online: 28 Jun 2024

DOI: dx.doi.org/10.37945/cbr.2024.05.02

Statistics: views 25 / PDF DL 28 / PDF views 26

Abstract | PDF (259.55 KB)

Sustainability and non-financial reporting

Sustainability in the Digital Age: The Impact of Social Performance on the Profitability of Cyber Companies

Sustainability in the Digital Age: The Impact of Social Performance on the Profitability of Cyber Companies

Victor Emanuel Ciuciuc, Maria-Manuela Catrina, Paul Ștefan Markovits, Pompei Mititean

Pages: 22-31

Published online: 28 Jun 2024

DOI: dx.doi.org/10.37945/cbr.2024.05.03

Statistics: views 49 / PDF DL 46 / PDF views 20

Abstract | PDF (266.46 KB)

Sustainability and non-financial reporting

Sustainability Reporting. The Romanian Sustainability Code

Sustainability Reporting. The Romanian Sustainability Code

Elena Stănciulescu

Pages: 32-41

Published online: 28 Jun 2024

DOI: dx.doi.org/10.37945/cbr.2024.05.04

Statistics: views 111 / PDF DL 91 / PDF views 48

Abstract | PDF (217.31 KB)

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