Principalele reguli comune și speciale referitoare la încheierea contractului de asigurare
Numărul 8, august 2024 » Dreptul afacerilor
Rezumat: The Romanian Civil Code serves as the general law governing the insurance contract, therefore also for the conclusion of this type of contract. Considering, however, the particularity determined by the valences of the insurance operation, which are highlighted by economic, technical, and legal aspects, the insurance contract, respectively its conclusion, is supplemented with special regulations. Moreover, a determining role in the formation of the insurance contract is played by its pre-contractual stage, characterized by the obligation of insurers to inform potential insured parties, on the one hand, and the obligation of potential insured parties to inform insurers, on the other hand.
asigurat; asigurător; ofertă; acceptarea ofertei; poliță de asigurare; obligație de informare
Clasificare JEL: K12, K15, G22, G52 | Pagini: 22-30
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