Number 1 / January 2020

COSO Model for Internal Control (I)

COSO Model for Internal Control (I)

Mirela Păunescu

Business strategy, risk and corporate governance

Pages: 22-30

Number 1, January 2020

Statistics: views 310 / PDF DL 586 / PDF views 83

Abstract | PDF (7.93 MB)

The Fiscal Burden in Relation to Income from Salaries. European Union Case Study

The Fiscal Burden in Relation to Income from Salaries. European Union Case Study

Radu Ciobanu, Daniela-Nicoleta Sahlian, Mihai Vuță


Pages: 42-47

Number 1, January 2020

Statistics: views 395 / PDF DL 547 / PDF views 168

Abstract | PDF (7.87 MB)

Taxation for Individual Part-Time Contracts

Taxation for Individual Part-Time Contracts

Bogdan Cosmin Gomoi


Pages: 48-59

Number 1, January 2020

Statistics: views 276 / PDF DL 2489 / PDF views 59

Abstract | PDF (7.93 MB)

Analyzed Legislation

Analyzed Legislation

Financial accounting and reporting

Pages: 71-72

Number 1, January 2020

Statistics: views 155 / PDF DL 271 / PDF views 33

Abstract | PDF (7.80 MB)

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