Financial and performance management

Performance Measurement Methods in Business Entities

Performance Measurement Methods in Business Entities

Ioan-Codruț Țurlea

Pages: 3-7

Published online: 29 Jun 2021


Statistics: views 180 / PDF DL 342 / PDF views 86

Abstract | PDF (265.93 KB)

Financial accounting and reporting

LLC vs. NGO, Similarities and Differences in the Accounting Treatment of Intangible and Tangible Assets

LLC vs. NGO, Similarities and Differences in the Accounting Treatment of Intangible and Tangible Assets

Elena Stănciulescu

Pages: 8-17

Published online: 29 Jun 2021


Statistics: views 201 / PDF DL 705 / PDF views 122

Abstract | PDF (298.04 KB)

Financial and performance management

Approaches to Setting Sales Prices

Approaches to Setting Sales Prices

Corina-Graziella Bâtcă-Dumitru, Daniela-Nicoleta Sahlian, Cleopatra Șendroiu, Ioan-Codruț Țurlea

Pages: 18-25

Published online: 29 Jun 2021


Statistics: views 113 / PDF DL 397 / PDF views 62

Abstract | PDF (316.95 KB)


Study Regarding the Development of an Investment Project. (II) – Estimating the Cost of Project and Identifying the Main Income and Expense Flows

Study Regarding the Development of an Investment Project. (II) – Estimating the Cost of Project and Identifying the Main Income and Expense Flows

Bogdan Cosmin Gomoi

Pages: 26-37

Published online: 29 Jun 2021


Statistics: views 119 / PDF DL 226 / PDF views 64

Abstract | PDF (485.48 KB)

Financial accounting and reporting

Development of Rating Models under IFRS 9

Development of Rating Models under IFRS 9

Ioan-Codruț Țurlea

Pages: 38-45

Published online: 29 Jun 2021


Statistics: views 74 / PDF DL 232 / PDF views 24

Abstract | PDF (347.30 KB)


Taxation of Income Obtained by Natural Persons from Lease Contracts in 2011

Taxation of Income Obtained by Natural Persons from Lease Contracts in 2011

Lucian Cernușca

Pages: 46-53

Published online: 29 Jun 2021


Statistics: views 103 / PDF DL 957 / PDF views 68

Abstract | PDF (300.27 KB)

Business law

The Contents of the Civil Legal Report

The Contents of the Civil Legal Report

Ioana Nely Militaru

Pages: 54-61

Published online: 29 Jun 2021


Statistics: views 45 / PDF DL 601 / PDF views 31

Abstract | PDF (319.09 KB)


Comparative Analysis of Direct Taxation Rules from Different European Union Countries

Comparative Analysis of Direct Taxation Rules from Different European Union Countries

Maria-Cosmina Pințea

Pages: 62-72

Published online: 29 Jun 2021


Statistics: views 69 / PDF DL 151 / PDF views 36

Abstract | PDF (457.86 KB)

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