Financial accounting and reporting

Accounting Principles Compliance – the True and Fair View Recipe. A Theoretical Perspective on the Contribution of Accounting Principles to the Financial Reporting Objective Achievement (I)

Accounting Principles Compliance – the True and Fair View Recipe. A Theoretical Perspective on the Contribution of Accounting Principles to the Financial Reporting Objective Achievement (I)

Claudia Cătălina Ciocan

Pages: 3-9

Published online: 28 Sep 2021


Statistics: views 107 / PDF DL 253 / PDF views 71

Abstract | PDF (307.84 KB)

Financial and performance management

Human Resources Budget

Human Resources Budget

Corina-Graziella Bâtcă-Dumitru, Daniela-Nicoleta Sahlian, Cleopatra Şendroiu

Pages: 10-17

Published online: 28 Sep 2021


Statistics: views 87 / PDF DL 194 / PDF views 52

Abstract | PDF (325.17 KB)


Short Financial Diagnosis for a Transport Entity

Short Financial Diagnosis for a Transport Entity

Bogdan Cosmin Gomoi

Pages: 18-27

Published online: 28 Sep 2021


Statistics: views 108 / PDF DL 229 / PDF views 72

Abstract | PDF (372.26 KB)


The Taxation Mechanism for the Income Obtained Through Practice of the Lawyer Profession

The Taxation Mechanism for the Income Obtained Through Practice of the Lawyer Profession

Lucian Cernuşca, Vanina Adoriana Trifan

Pages: 28-36

Published online: 28 Sep 2021


Statistics: views 77 / PDF DL 589 / PDF views 24

Abstract | PDF (334.29 KB)


The Taxation Regime of Enterprises: Income Tax vs. Revenue Tax

The Taxation Regime of Enterprises: Income Tax vs. Revenue Tax

Elena Stănciulescu

Pages: 37-44

Published online: 28 Sep 2021


Statistics: views 259 / PDF DL 443 / PDF views 170

Abstract | PDF (306.47 KB)


Financial Mechanisms Used in Implementing Projects with European Funds

Financial Mechanisms Used in Implementing Projects with European Funds

Mihaela Enachi

Pages: 45-52

Published online: 28 Sep 2021


Statistics: views 74 / PDF DL 277 / PDF views 51

Abstract | PDF (302.33 KB)

Financial accounting and reporting

The Impact of Applying the IFRSs in Emerging Economies. Case Study on Iraqi Conventional Banks

The Impact of Applying the IFRSs in Emerging Economies. Case Study on Iraqi Conventional Banks

Dhiaa Al Deen Alazzawi, Ileana Nişulescu-Ashrafzadeh

Pages: 53-64

Published online: 28 Sep 2021


Statistics: views 44 / PDF DL 125 / PDF views 19

Abstract | PDF (485.37 KB)


Direct Taxation in the European Union Countries (I)

Direct Taxation in the European Union Countries (I)

Maria-Cosmina Pinţea

Pages: 65-72

Published online: 28 Sep 2021


Statistics: views 56 / PDF DL 153 / PDF views 25

Abstract | PDF (335.28 KB)

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